Shrinkala Devi temple is located in Pandua Hooghly district, West Bengal. Pandua is 66 km from Howrah railway station. This is where the Stomach of Goddess Sati/Parvati was reported to have fallen. It is also believed that the temple is in Sringeri,Karnataka. A story says that Sage Rishya Shringala has brought her to shringeri in Karnataka. At present, there is no temple in Pandua.
Shrine’s History
During medieval invasion, the temple was destroyed and in its place a Minar is built.There is also another temple dedicated to Hanseshwari Devi near Shrinkala temple.

Legends Associated with This Shrine
Regarding the story of Rushya srunga it is said that he was grown up by his father from his child hood without exposure to the external world away from everyone except his father himself in the forest.This sage was pure at heart that he had a soul of an infant who does not get into the wordy joy. This made him a devotee of Shrinkhala devi.
There is also a contest in great epic of hindus ?The Ramayana? about this sage that he was the one who conducted the Putrakaameshti yaaga for king Dasaradha.
King Romapada a friend of Dasaradha adopted Santha devi who was the sister of Sri Rama. He requested this sage to conduct a yagna to get relief of very long famine which was relieved after the yagna.On the request of the king this sage married Santha devi and conducted the above metioned Yagna .
<p>After some time this great sage as was a great devotee of Shrinkhala devi brought her in the sense his mother to Sringeri and distributed the energy around the Srunga parvatha and there he constructed temples to the deity. These places are also regarded as Shakti peethas.

Architectural Relevance of This Shrine
The entry to the temple is barred for security reasons. The temple is maintained by the Archaeological survey of India .The door was locked and entry was banned into the temple (the so called minar) because of security reasons, but there were clear cut and significantly distinguishable features at the main door of the construction showing that it was once the main entrance of a Hindu temple probably of Shrinkhala Devi. There were ruins of temple infront of minar.
Shrine’s Map Location and How to Go There
By Road
Kolkata to Pandua is 54 KM
By Rail
Kolakatais well connected by Trains to all big cities in India
Shrine Timings
Darshan is restricted by Archaeological survey of India on security reasons
Events Celebrated at This Shrine
Another supportive evidence about the temple , Every year during magha maasa (Around February) a festival by name Mela Taala of about 30 days duration is celebrated in the premises of the minar which is attended by local hindu and muslim communities in large numbers (More than 1 lakh). It is one of the important celebration of that place.
Extra Information About this Shrine
The entry to the temple is barred for security reasons. The temple is maintained by the Archaeological survey of India .The door was locked and entry was banned into the templebecause of security reasons, but there were clear cut and significantly distinguishable features at the main door of the construction showing that it was once the main entrance of a Hindu temple probably of Shrinkhala Devi. There were ruins of the temple in front of minar.