
The Pancharama Kshetras or the Pancharamas are five ancient Hindu temples of Lord Shiva situated in Andhra Pradesh. The Sivalingas at these temples is made from a single Sivalinga. As per the legend, this Sivalinga was owned by the Rakshasa King Tarakasura. No one could win over him due to the power of this Sivalinga. In the war between deities and Taraka, Kumara Swamy and Taraka were faces to face. Kumara Swamy used his Sakthi aayudha to kíll Taraka. By the power of Sakti aayudha, the body of Taraka was torn into pieces. But to the astonishment of Lord Kumara Swamy, all the pieces reunited to give rise to Taraka. Kumara Swamy repeatedly broke the body into pieces and it was reunified again.