Dakshinkali Temple is one of the main temples of Nepal dedicated to the goddess Kali. Animal sacrifices, particularly of cockerels and uncastrated male goats, are the main way that the goddess is worshipped, and this is especially seen during the Dashain or Dussehra festival.
Shrine’s History
It is said that Dakshinkali came to an existence after goddess Kali herself appeared in the dream of a Malla king, the ruler of a 14th century. Goddess kali then commanded the king to build a temple dedicating her in an unknown strange place. As the command was about to be followed immediately, a person said that he had already sort out a stone image of the goddess kali in the same place where goddess kali commanded the king to built the temple. The image was then left open to the elements as she commanded over her head a gilded cover was kept erect with four golden serpents. Also, images of lord Ganesh , seven Asthamatrikas and a stone Bhairav nearby her images.

Shrine’s Map Location and How to Go There
By Road
The nearest bus stop is Kathmandu.
By Rail
The nearest Railway station isBhikhna Thori Railway Station
By Air
The nearest airport is Tribhuvan airport Kathmandu.
Events Celebrated at This Shrine
Dashain festival
Extra Information About this Shrine
On Tuesdays and Saturdays, un-castrated male animals, mainly goats and roosters, are brought to the temple to be sacrificed to Kali. Not for the faint of heart, a visit on these days allows you to observe the steady stream of worshippers bringing their animals to the river where they’re quickly killed and butchered. The animal remains are either taken home or cooked up outside the temple in a great feast. Non-Hindus are not permitted inside the temple itself, but can take pictures of the exterior and shop at the stalls lining the path that leads to the temple. While the sacrifices may be amazing and attractive they are sacred to those performing them, so it’s important to be respectful and cautious when observing or taking photographs. A hiking and a short trekking experience in Dakshinkali is treasured by the many tourists coming to this place.