Chitragupta Mahadeva Devalayam is in Chatrinaka near to Uppuguda Railway Station of the Old City of Hyderabad. This is the only Chitragupta temple in Telangana State.
Shrine’s History
The temple is believed to be more than 200 years old which is built by Kayasths. Chitragupta is considered as the Kula devatha of Kayasths. Kayasths are believed to be worked as Finance Ministers, Prime Ministers and other higher official grades during Qutub Shahis rule.Maharaja Chandulal and Maharaja Kishan Pershad are some of the important people of Kayasths of Hyderabad. One can find the idols of Chitragupta along with his consorts Iravati and Dakshini in the temple. The 12 sons of Chitragupta are Srivastav, Suryadwhaj, Nigam, Kulashresta, Mathur, Garg, Saxena, Gaud, Asthana, Ambasht, Bhatnagar and Valmiki.

Shrine’s Map Location and How to Go There
By Road
The nearest bus stop is Uppuguda.
By Rail
The nearest railway station is Uppuguda Railway Station of Old City of Hyderabad
By Air
The nearest airport is Shamshabad Hyderabad
Events Celebrated at This Shrine
Huge crowd visits this temple to clear off their Doshas.Abhishekam is performed daily and special pooja is performed on Wednesdays for those who are affected by Ketu Graha Dosha.