The splendid and holy temple of Baba Buddha Amarnath is located in district Poonch in Jammu andKashmir. This temple is also known as Chattani Baba Amarnath temple? which stands erect at 290 km in the North-West direction of Poonch. This temple place is blessed with picturesque surroundings, located as it is at 4600 ft. above sea level.

Legends Associated with This Shrine
Like all ancient temples and shrines, Baba Amarnath temple is also enveloped in legends and myths. A famous legend in Hindu mythology held that Lord Shiva enlightenedGoddess Parvati about the secret of life and eternity in this holy temple. The other formations of ice found and worshipped in the temple are the replica of Shiva and Parvatis son, Ganesha. People who come to visit this temple for completing the Yatra actually come here to worship a Lingam made of ice stalagmite. Another legend related to this temple held that KingAryaraja in Kashmir worshipped a Lingam made of ice. In the bookRajatarangini, it is mentioned that queen Suryamathi had gifted sacred emblemslike banalingas and trishuls to this temple.
There are many manuscripts and ancient texts found in the temple, which gives references to similar incidents.Another legend which is popular among people of the region is that it was in Panjtarni when five elements namely ? sky, fire, air, water and earth was left by Lord Shiva. It was here that Lord Shiva performed Tandava dance, which was a symbol of sacrificing the earthly pleasures. After that along with Goddess Parvati, LordShiva entered the holy temple of Baba Amarnath. Amarnath region boasts about the legends and myth of Lord Shiva and Parvati.

By Road
Privately hired vehicles are available from Jammu and Kashmir for the convenience of tourists.While passing by the Amarnath Valley tourists can enjoy the scenic beauty ofAmarnathy River that originates from Amarnath glacier. Ponies are also available to get to Amarnath temple.
By Rail
Jammu is the nearest station. It is located at a distance of 178 km. The various trains moving to and fro from Amarnath is:
By Air
The nearest airport is Delhi
Events Celebrated at This Shrine
Extra Information About this Shrine
BestTime to Visit The attraction of this place is such that there is the influx of thousands of tourists all year around. During winter season this entire region is blanketed with snow. The temperature reaches minus degree during a winter season. Adventurous tourists love to visit the region during winters to participate in winter sports. During summers climate is cool and pleasant. To enjoy the natural panorama and even for pilgrimage, summers are ideal for the pilgrimage to Amarnath temple. However,monsoon showers are inviting and pleasant for tourists. The area aroundAmarnath temple is snow-covered through the major part of the year. Tourists frequent Amarnath for pilgrimage both during summers and winters.