Alamelu Manga which was framed of the words ‘Alaru + Melu + Manga’ in old Telugu language translates as Goddess Lakshmi, who is the main deity of the Alamelu manga Temple which is located here.It is originally called as AlarMelManga Puram as we see from Thousands of Inscriptions in and around Tirupathi, much later corrupted to Alamelu Mangapuram Hence, it got the name as Alamelu Mangapuram.
Shrine’s History
Tiruchanoor formed a part of Tiruvenkatam under the rule of Pallavas and was a part of Rajendra Cholamandalam, under the Cholas. Alamelu Mangapuram is home to the temple of Sri Alamelu, consort of Lord Venkateshwara. It is believed that the Goddess Lakshmi was born as Alamelu to Akasha Raja, the ruler of this region, and wed Venkateshwara of Tirupati. Goddess Lakshmi gave darshan to Lord Venkateswara on a red Lotus flower at Alamelu manga Puram after his deep penance for twelve years.

Legends Associated with This Shrine
Once the entitled Maharshi Bhrigu came to visit at Vaikunth to see Lord Vishnu. At the time, the Maharshi entered the Vaikuntha, the Lord Mahavishnu was sound asleep. The Maharshi took this as a direct insult and avenged this self-assumed offence with a kick to the chest of Lord Vishnu. The awakened Lord Mahavishnu graciously accepted his fault, and afterwards paid proper homage to Maharishi. But the Goddess Lakshmi was a silent spectator to the entire affair. Unable to carry the burden of witnessing the abuse of the Lord Vishnu at the hands of Maharshi Bhrigu, Goddess Lakshmi alighted from Vaikunth, seeking penance in a humble location at Earth near Swarnamukhi river.
After 12 years of hard tapas, she emerged from the Golden Lotus for the 13th year on Panchami day during the last fortnight of Karteeka month. At this time the bright Uttarashadha Nakshatra was shining towards the earth. Here the Goddess Lakshmi was reincarnated as a Divine Child, capturing the King Akashraja who took here as a daughter and naming her after the Lotus as Sri Padmavathi.
At this time, Lord Maha Vishnu also alighted downwards the Earth, seeking Goddess Maha Lakshmi. As Mahavishnus Lord Venkateswara Avatar, he was able to find and marry Sri Padmavathi.

Shrine’s Map Location and How to Go There
By Road
Alamelu manga Puram is located about 4 km from Tirupati central bus station and Tirupati Main.
By Rail
The nearest bus stop is Tirupati.
By Air
The nearest airport is Tirupati.

Shrine Timings
5:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Events Celebrated at This Shrine
At Alamelu Mangapuram, you can witness important celebrations throughout the year. Some of them are famous Devi festivals while some are special occasions dedicated to the Purna of Alamelu Mangapuram temple.
During the Navarathri Festival (Dussehra), the Alamelu Mangapuram temple also takes part in the nationwide celebration of good over Evil.
At the Kartheeka month festival, the Lord presents precious gifts to his beloved. During this time the lord sends costly sari, blouse piece, holy tulsi, turmeric leaves and exquisite delicacies offering birthday presents to the Goddess Padmavathi atop a splendidly decorated Elephant. This is followed by a celebrated procession in an ivory palanquin for a holy bath in Padma Sarovar.
The Theppotsavam (boat festival) is an important celebration, which occurs in the five days during the month of Jyeshtha month (June month).
Sri Padmavathi Ammavari Temple and Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple are historically interconnected and conditional on each other. During the festival of Vasanthotsavam, we devotee’s celebrated this with the procession atop the golden chariot during the 2nd day of the festival.
The festival of Sri Padmavathi Parinayam is held during Navami, Dasami and Ekadasi in the month of Vaisakha month. During the three-day festival, the majestically decorated idol of Sri Malayappa Swamy of Lord Venkateswara arrives in grand style on the Gaja vahanam, Aswa vahanam and Garuda Vahanam on the three consecutive days.