Chudamani Vihara was a Buddhist vihara in Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India. Chudamani Vihara was constructed in 1006 CE by the Srivijayan king Sri Vijaya Maravijayattungavarman with the patronage of Rajaraja Chola. The Vihara building survived in a dilapidated condition. Since 1856, about 350 Buddha bronzes have been found at Nagapattinam, dating from the 11th to the 16th century.
Shrine’s History
The heritage of Nagapattinam is mentioned in the Burmese historical text of 3rd century B.C. which mentions a Buddha Vihara built by Emperor Ashoka. The Chinese traveller Xuanzang also mentioned the vihara. Nagapattinam is mentioned as Padarithitha in the ancient Buddhist literature. The Anaimangalam copperplate of Kulothunga Chola I mentions that Kasiba Thera renovated the shrine in 6th century AD with the help of monks of “Naganadu”. The Pallava King Rajasimha permitted a Chinese king to build Buddha Vihara in Nagappattinam.
By Road
The nearest Bus stop is Nagapattinam.
By Rail
The nearest Railway station is Nagapattinam.
By Air
The nearest Airport is Civil Airport (TRZ), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu.
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